The item i purchased is just what i was looking for.
Great quality construction works great for carrying my Balista Bat cross bow pistol and bolts.
I really like the tactical backpack. It makes a great go bag, especially for how many pockets you get. There are pockets on top of pockets. And a lot of them are secured with individual straps to make sure they don’t open. The inside of the backpack has a big opening enough to fit a first aid kit or any survival gear that you need. There’s also another big pocket to fit anything else. I think this is a great, especially for how much it cost. The material the backpack is strong and sturdy, I definitely see it lasting a long time.
I needed a bag for my outdoorsy excursions that would also be sturdy to hold my EDC items and I came across this guy. I have been using this for a few months now and I don't really have any complaints! I know some have complained of the lack of compartments and pockets, but I may be the odd one out when it comes to storing specific items in smaller molle bags and I organize them inside the bag. The pockets on the outside are pretty deep and the two water bottle pockets on the side are convenient.
He loves this bag and it goes everywhere with him.